About Us
If you would like to communicate with and/or set up a short Zoom meeting with any of our administrators, you can do so by clicking the links below. It will prompt you to set up a meeting during a time that works for you. The system will automatically schedule a meeting with a zoom link, we love technology! If you would like to connect with our counselors or social worker, please send them an email.
Mrs. Corpuz's (Principal) Contact Info:
Calendly Zoom Support Link: https://calendly.com/bacorpuz/admin-support-meetings
Email: bacorpuz@bethelsd.org
Google Voice/Text Number: 971-376-5868
- Office Phone: 253-800-8089
Mrs. Pierce's (Assistant Principal) Contact Info:
Calendly Zoom Support Link: https://calendly.com/cpierce-7/30min
Email: cpierce@bethelsd.org
Google Voice/Text Number: 971-999-1046
Office Phone: 253-800-8088
Mrs. Pierce's (Assistant Principal) Contact Info:
Calendly Zoom Support Link: https://calendly.com/cpierce-7/30min
Email: cpierce@bethelsd.org
Google Voice/Text Number: 971-999-1046
Office Phone: 253-800-8088
Counselor Last Names M-Z: Counselor Last Names A-L:
Carrie Berglund cberglund@bethelsd.org
Jessica Scanlon jscanlon@bethelsd.org
Social Worker:
Kirsten Stockner kstockner@bethelsd.org
Roberta Paulsen, Military Family Counselor:
rpaulsen@bethelsd.org or 253-290-0657
Bethel School District Community Resources
About Us
5108 260th Street East
Graham, WA 98338
Phone: 253.800.8000
Fax: 253.800.8098
Principal: Brittany Corpuz
Email: bacorpuz@bethelsd.org
Assistant Principal: Carina Pierce
Email: cpierce@bethelsd.org
Associate Administrator: Peder Knudson
Email: pknudson@bethelsd.org
A-K Counselor: Carrie Berglund
Email: cberglund@bethelsd.org
L-Z Counselor: Kaytlin Peterman
Email: kpeterman@bethelsd.org
Social Worker: Corie Hooker
Email: cmhooker@bethelsd.org
Secretary: Brenda Gates
Registrar: Chelsey Miller
ASB Clerk: Carie An Lathrom
Attendance Clerk: Dorinda Carpenter
Health Clerk: Nakia Goldsberry
Our Vision at Cougar Mountain:
Is for ALL students to be competent, confident, compassionate and prepared to be successful in the world.
Our Mission at Cougar Mountain:
Is to foster a safe and respectful learning community where equitable opportunities, collaboration, support, and safety promote each student’s success and ability to positively impact our society.
Our Goals at Cougar Mountain:
- Equitable opportunities for each student to get what they need to be successful
- Engagement of parents and community
- Diversity, cultural inclusion, mutual respect, and fairness
- All stakeholders accountable for results
- Set high expectations with high support